Circle Aspect, 2002.
The inner and outer space of the gallery are connected through a big window. In front of the window a new wall built out of chipboard and slats is set up. In the middle of the wall a circle with a diameter of 160 cm is cut out. The circular window one finds in Japanese architecture mostly in temple areas and tea houses. Sometimes a traditional wooden window covered with paper is opened up in different ways. One has a look out into the garden, an arrangement of stones, trees, bushes, fields of moss.
Installation view.
Plywood, slats, nails, paint
Galerie Où, Osaka, Japan
Detail: Course of the light cone.
Stills, 2002
Circle Aspect, 2002.
The inner and outer space of the gallery are connected through a big window. In front of the window a new wall built out of chipboard and slats is set up. In the middle of the wall a circle with a diameter of 160 cm is cut out. The circular window one finds in Japanese architecture mostly in temple areas and tea houses. Sometimes a traditional wooden window covered with paper is opened up in different ways. One has a look out into the garden, an arrangement of stones, trees, bushes, fields of moss.
Installation view.
Plywood, slats, nails, paint
Galerie Où, Osaka, Japan
Detail: Course of the light cone.
Stills, 2002